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Rim Straightening with Paul Kron
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On a snowy day in December, in the warm confines of Dick Barrett's garage, many of us gathered to see Paul and Tom's latest creation - a rim straightener! This ingenious device mounts a Model A rim onto a hub that spins freely, with a threaded bolt holding a customized head for each rim type to both check straightness and apply pressure. Spinning
the rim allows one to see where the rim is bent, and bring it into position for pressure to be applied. Paul also applied some heat to help things move more easily. About 10-12 rims were straightened.
Two bonuses today: 1) Fred Hauck joined us, looking hale and hearty! and 2) Paul taught us several things about front axle theory, including Caster, Camber, and Toe-in and how Model A front ends could be straightened - especially using a jig he recalled seeing at a repair shop in East Aurora many years ago...
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